Today I made another trip to the Punderson State Park archery range. I'm still not good enough to shoot the course there, so I just hung at the 20 yard target on the practice range. I think I am improving. I mounted a paper pistol target as an aiming point. Some of them were fairly close to the bullseye, but more importantly I was able to hit at least somewhere on paper about 80% of the time. Here's one of my better sets. For reference, I believe that bullseye is 2 inches in diameter.
Accuracy still needs some work but my consistency is definitely improving. For instance, I managed to robinhood one of my arrows accidentally.
Regular arrow, and robinhooded arrow. |
I wish I could say this happened in the center of the bullseye, but it was actually a good foot and half off the paper. I just happened to send 2 wild shots in my six shot set to the exact came place. I heard a metal on metal sound and saw my arrow bounce away from the target.
My target did end up with lots of adjoining holes--just not in the red. I still have work to do, but there is hope.